Pay your TruMark Financial loan online from another financial institution by simply logging into online banking and selecting Transfers & Payments > Loan Payment from Another CU/Bank. Then select from the “Pay from your bank account”, “Pay by debit card”, or “Pay from Internal Account” options and follow the respective prompts.
Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to set up external transfers in TruMark Financial’s online banking.
Please note: If you are setting up a payment from another financial institution for the first time you will need to verify the account via micro deposits. Within a few days of submitting your account information, two small deposits will be made to your external account. To complete the setup of your external account, return to the page and verify the amount of the deposits. Only debit card or checking/savings account payments may be used to make online loan payments; credit cards are not accepted. Payments made prior to 3 p.m. EST will be posted the same day. Payments made after 3 p.m. EST will be posted the next day. This service is not available for TruMark Financial business loan payments or mortgage payments.
If you previously used TruMark Financial’s Online Loan Payment Service you can continue to do so. Use this service to make payments directly to your TruMark Financial mortgage. Click here and enter your information in the “Pay Your Bill Now” section. The account number entered will be your TruMark Financial loan account number (not your member number). You can find your loan account number within online banking. When paying a mortgage, enter only the 10-digit loan number from your monthly billing statement.
Please note: Only debit card or checking/savings account payments may be used to make online loan payments; credit cards are not accepted. Payments made prior to 7 p.m. EST will be posted the same day. Payments made after 7 p.m. EST will be posted the next day. This service is not available for TruMark Financial business loan payments. Credit card payments made after 5:30 p.m. EST will be posted the next business day. Mortgage payments made prior to 7 p.m. EST will be posted the next business day. Payments made after 7 p.m. EST will be posted in two (2) business days.