Spend less, save more, pay down debt — how can you make 2022 the year you actually stick to these and other financial resolutions? To help answer that, we’ve compiled a list of tips.
Set measurable goals
Don’t just resolve to be better with money this year. Set realistic, measurable goals to help you stay on track and ensure you’re actually making progress.
Spend mindfully
Creating a budget can take some time and lots of number crunching, but the real challenge of financial wellness is actually sticking to that budget. One reason many people don’t keep to their budget is because they spend money without consciously thinking.
Resolve to be more mindful about spending, which means actually thinking about what you’re doing when paying for a purchase of any kind.
Partner up with a friend
It’s basic psychology: When we have to answer to someone, we’re more likely to stick to our resolutions. Choose a friend who’s in a similar financial bracket as you and has a comparable relationship with money. Ideally, they also will have the same resolve to set and stick to those financial resolutions together.
To make it even easier, use a money management app to help track spending, find weak areas, and stay accountable.
Write it down
In an era where some people can go without touching a pen and paper for days, writing down New Year’s resolutions can seem obsolete, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t happen. The act of putting your financial resolutions into writing will help to imprint them on your memory. Plus, you’ll have a list of your resolutions to reference throughout the year to help keep you on track.
Sticking to your financial resolutions isn’t easy. Follow the tips outlined above to make 2022 the year you get your finances into shape. Should you have any questions, TruMark Financial is here to help. Simply call 1-877-TRUMARK or visit your local branch.